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Santa Ana DACA Lawyer

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Santa Ana DACA Lawyer

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was established to give specific benefits and relief to individuals who entered the U.S. as children without documentation. DACA laws are complex and often being actively altered. A Santa Ana DACA lawyer is an essential resource if you are currently under the DACA program or want to understand how it may help you in the future.

The basis for the DACA program is that these individuals were brought to the country as minors and have spent most of their lives in the U.S., so deportation to their country of origin would be confusing and potentially alienating. DACA enables these individuals, most of whom are now adults, to remain in the U.S. without facing deportation. It also postpones any potential deportation action for a certain period of time.

Unfortunately, changes in the last several years have resulted in fewer people benefiting from DACA. Now, only those who were in DACA and consistently receiving DACA relief can renew their status under the program. While new individuals can apply for DACA, the applications are not being processed or granted. If you want to determine what the right option is for you to remain in the country or leave while avoiding deportation proceedings, a qualified attorney can assist you.

U.S. Law Center Can Help You With DACA Renewal

At U.S. Law Center, our attorneys have worked tirelessly for years in immigration law, both civil and criminal. We have significant experience managing the constant changes to federal immigration law, and our team can help you navigate your renewal or application for DACA benefits. We can also help you determine if it is in your interests to apply for DACA, despite the halted processing of applications.

Our firm understands immigration law and how it impacts businesses, individuals, and families in our community. We want to provide you with the compassionate and comprehensive legal care you need to meet your goals for immigration status. Deferred action is important to your future, and our attorney can help you maintain your DACA status.

What Relief Does DACA Provide?

The DACA program is managed through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). DACA relief does not provide the same protection or legal status as a visa or similar documentation. However, there are several benefits to DACA, including:

  • Delayed deportation proceedings and protection from deportation
  • The potential to obtain a work permit
  • The ability to request a Social Security number

In some states, including California, a Social Security number enables DACA recipients to get a driver’s license.

These benefits only last for two years, and they must be renewed 120 days before the expiration date. If you don’t renew your benefits in time or within a year of the expiration date, the USCIS may consider your application to be a first-time request. Under the current status of DACA, this means that it will be neither approved nor denied, and you won’t receive DACA relief.

How Does a DACA Attorney in Santa Ana Help Me?

Because immigration and DACA are such contentious partisan issues in the U.S. government, the laws are constantly in flux. These changes can significantly alter your life, but it can be hard to remain on top of them. Your attorney can help you with this and determine your legal options based on your situation.

Renewing your DACA relief may require a different process every two years, and any mistakes can result in removal and deportation proceedings. Your attorney can help you file the renewal accurately and meet your legal deadlines. A DACA immigration attorney remains up to date on renewal and other DACA information, providing you with an informed understanding of your current and future options.


Q: What Is the Age Limit for DACA?

A:The age qualifications for DACA are as follows:

  1. You were under the age of 31 on June 15, 2012, meaning that you were born on or after June 16, 1981.
  2. You came to the U.S. prior to your 16th birthday.
  3. You have continued to live in the U.S. from June 15, 2007, until the time you apply for DACA.

Unfortunately, new applications for DACA relief are not being processed or granted. To receive DACA relief, you must have already been accepted into the program and have been receiving relief continually.

Q: What Rights Do DACA Recipients Have?

A: The DACA program does not provide lawful residency status, but it does give the following forms of relief:

  • Protection from or deferment of deportation and removal
  • The ability to obtain a work permit
  • Entitlement to a Social Security number, which can help with obtaining a driver’s license in some states, including California

Individuals receiving DACA relief must also reapply for DACA and their work permit every two years and apply four months before the status expires. The DACA program is currently only accepting renewals, not new applications. If you wait to renew, you may be considered a new applicant and lose DACA relief.

Q: Can I Still Apply for DACA?

A: Yes, you can still apply for DACA relief, but it’s important to discuss it with an attorney before you do so. DACA is currently not granting first-time application requests, only renewal requests. The agency will accept new applications, but it will neither process nor grant them. Submitting an application requires a filing fee that may not be refunded. Talking through your circumstances with an immigration attorney can help determine if you should apply for DACA.

Q: What Is the DACA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program?

A: DACA was created in 2012 to provide certain relief for minors who arrived in the U.S. without documentation. Because these individuals spent most of their lives in the U.S., deportation would send them to a country they are likely not familiar with. DACA provides relief from deportation for those who are eligible. As of 2023, new applications will be neither denied nor granted, and only renewals of DACA relief will be granted.

Contact Our Santa Ana Deferred Action Immigration Attorney

When you have questions about the DACA program and how it affects you and your family, U.S. Law Center can help. Our team can help you remain informed and aid you in renewing benefits or determining how to alter your immigration status. Contact us today.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.