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Riverside Deportation & Removal Defense Lawyer

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Deportation Defense: What You Should Know About Removal

If you or someone you care about has received notice of a removal hearing or you are considering an action that may affect your status with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), it is extremely important to talk to an attorney immediately. Contact us to arrange a free consultation.

At U.S. Law Center, we are immigration lawyers. When representing a client who faces deportation and, as a result, separation from family and community and loss of employment, we provide powerful deportation defense representation designed to resolve our client’s case effectively and efficiently.

riverside best deportation and removal defense lawyer

Criminal Deportation In Southern California

The most common reason USCIS issues a deportation order is that the individual has gotten in trouble with the law. An immigrant who commits a minor offense such as petty theft may be deported as quickly as one who commits murder. Our attorneys appear before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on behalf of our clients in deportation appeals.

If you are a foreign national and have been arrested, it is important to seek the advice of an immigration attorney, as well as a criminal attorney, to prevent removal.

Change of Employment Status And Marital Status

If you are in the U.S. on a nonimmigrant work visa and your employment is terminated or you change employers, you may find yourself out of status. If you are in the United States on a K visa and you get divorced or break your engagement, you may lose the right to remain in the country. Whenever possible, pursue an adjustment of status before you find yourself undocumented.

Before you take action — or even if you have already taken action — that may affect your immigration status, contact a lawyer immediately. Explore all ways to remain in the United States and avoid removal — or to leave the country voluntarily with future options open. Please consult with our firm if you have been targeted or picked up by immigration authorities on the basis of an immigration violation or criminal charges.

If you would like to speak with one of our lawyers about deportation or removal defense representation or have another question about our immigration law practice, please email or call our Riverside County office at 866-665-1696 to arrange a free consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Our fees are competitive and we accept credit cards.

Riverside Deportation And Removal Law Resources

Charged or Convicted of A Crime?

Advice For Non-U.S. Citizens With Criminal Law Problems

Being arrested and/or charged with a crime is frightening and can have terrible consequences such as jail time, other penalties and a criminal record. This is true even if you are arrested in your own country or if you are arrested in the U.S. as a naturalized citizen. Many people experience insecurity and disruption after they go to jail and deal with a criminal matter such as a/n:

  • Investigation on suspicion of theft, a drug crime or a violent crime
  • Misdemeanor or felony arrest
  • Traffic stop or car accident followed by accusations of speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI)
  • Accusation of domestic violence because of a strong argument or fight at home
  • Detention on suspicion of shoplifting
  • Notice of criminal tax evasion charges from the IRSdeportation and removal defense lawyer riverside

Criminal Charges And Immigration Status Complications

If you are not a U.S. citizen, you may also face immigration problems even if you have a visa or green card. If you are undocumented, your situation is much more serious. Any non-U.S. citizen with criminal charges or a criminal record may be at risk of deportation or loss of opportunity to become a permanent resident or citizen.

Whatever criminal matter has come up in your life, you need help from a skillful, effective defense attorney immediately. At the same time, you need knowledgeable advice from a trustworthy immigration lawyer. The outcome of your criminal matter may put you in trouble with the immigration authorities.

At U.S. Law Center in Corona, we regularly help people from other countries who have been charged with crimes or convicted. We represent some clients in criminal matters. In other cases, we collaborate with our clients’ criminal defense lawyers.

Our goal in every case is to preserve our clients’ ability to remain in the U.S. after a criminal arrest. We want to help you prevent a conviction and avoid deportation. We have helped many clients do exactly that. If you already have a criminal conviction, we may be able to help you get your criminal record expunged.

What Can You Do About A Criminal Arrest Or Conviction When Your Immigration Status Is At Risk?

To speak with a California immigration lawyer about your criminal matter and your immigration status, risks and goals, please email or call our Corona office at to arrange a free consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. We offer competitive rates and accept credit cards.

If You Have Been Targeted By ICE

Is ICE Watching You? What To Do Next.

Are you living in the U.S. undocumented? Did you overstay a work or family visa? Do you have legal status, but a criminal record? Are you a U.S.-based business owner employing undocumented aliens? You may believe you are a likely target of Immigration and Customs Enforcement if:

  • You are a known immigrant activist. Perhaps you participated in public demonstrations protesting government policies affecting DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals) recipients or detention of undocumented migrant children.
  • You took in an undocumented child — possibly a relative — after he or she became separated from his or her parent(s) at the border.
  • A business like the one where you work (perhaps a convenience store, fast-food restaurant or construction site) has experienced sudden, unexpected arrests of undocumented aliens and/or business owners. In other words, the business was the target of an ICE raid.
  • You have been charged with a crime or convicted of a traffic violation or any crime, even a minor one.
  • You entered the U.S. without permission and you have heard that other people who did the same thing at the same border crossing have been apprehended.

Whatever your unique circumstances, please realize that you are not alone — and increased ICE activity is not just your imagination. The Associated Press (a news source) reported in the fall of 2018 that “ICE arrests of noncriminals soared 66 percent in the first nine months of the 2018 fiscal year over the same period a year earlier.”

If you have been targeted or may be targeted, you need legal advice as soon as possible. The attorneys at U.S. Law Center in Riverside County have helped many people in similar circumstances. Can you obtain asylum status and/or become documented (legally present in the U.S.) some other way? Can you get an adjustment of status to make your situation more secure? Would it be best for you to depart voluntarily and if so, how can you do that? An experienced lawyer can help you explore the best options in your unique situation and if necessary, prepare for interviews or hearings with ICE or other government officials.

We Want To Help You Stay Safe From Detention And Deportation

Whenever possible, take control of your own situation before you let the situation take control of you. Contact our deportation defense attorneys in Corona by calling or sending an email inquiry. We offer free consultations and evening and weekend appointments. Our fees are competitive and we accept credit cards. We can meet you or a family member in a detention center in California or elsewhere.

best deportation and removal defense lawyer riverside

Increased Removals In Today’s Political Climate

What To Do About The Increase in Deportations

Immigration enforcement activity is increasing in certain areas. A review of numbers shows greater pressure on people at risk of deportation.

An independent nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C., known as the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) has presented the following definitions regarding deportation:

  • Deportation: The movement of a noncitizen out of the U.S.
  • Removal: The compulsory movement of a noncitizen out of the U.S. with a formal order
  • Return: The movement of a noncitizen out of the U.S. and withdrawal of their application for admission

MPI has assembled statistics documenting the types and numbers of deportations of noncitizens from the U.S. under the following presidential administrations:

  • The Clinton administration deported more than 12 million; nearly 870,000 were formal removals (not just returns).
  • The Bush administration deported more than 10 million; more than 2 million were formal removals.
  • The Obama administration deported more than 5 million; more than 3 million were formal removals.

How about the Trump administration? Numbers related to current deportation policy show the changes between 2016 (when Trump was elected) and 2017 (his first full year in office), according to MPI:

  • Arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were up by 42 percent.
  • ICE arrested more than 38,000 noncitizens who had no criminal records, up 146 percent from 2016 to 2017.

So What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?

If you may be at risk of deportation, do not give up before getting legal advice. Things you can do to help yourself include:

  • Understand immigration regulations.
  • Gather important documents.
  • Avoid criminal arrests or convictions. If you have been charged with a crime, work closely with a defense lawyer.
  • If you have options to adjust your status, start working on that now — not later!
  • If you decide you should leave the U.S. on your own terms, discuss voluntary departure with an immigration attorney.

Get Knowledge — Take Action — Plan For The Future — Protect Your Future

It is more important than ever to get reliable legal advice. The U.S. Law Center in Riverside County will provide you with reliable information and guidance about immigration matters and deportation defense. Many of our clients are in California or plan to come to California; some are in other states and countries. Send an email or call our Riverside County office in Corona at to arrange a free consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Our fees are competitive and we accept credit cards.

Prosecutorial Discretion

Understanding Prosecutorial Discretion Of DHS Attorneys

At our Southern California immigration law firm, U.S. Law Center, we provide immigration representation to corporations, small businesses, families and individuals across the globe. Our thorough understanding and knowledge of the evolving practice of U.S. immigration law and our commitment to our clients lead to our successful practice.

Contact Our Immigration Attorneys In Corona, California

Please contact us to arrange a free consultation at our Riverside County office.

Helping Families Stay Together

If an individual facing deportation has sufficient ties to the United States such as children and other family living here, a good job and good moral character, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) lawyers have the option of using their prosecutorial discretion to administratively close the case. Our lawyers have had great success with preparing convincing cases for DHS attorneys’ review.

If the prosecutors agree, the deportation case pending in immigration court is administratively closed and no deportation order is issued against the individual. In cases where a deportation order has already been issued, the order may be removed.

It’s important to acknowledge that prosecutorial discretion is not a method to obtain a green card or citizenship; it only prevents deportation.

Contact Us With Questions About Deportation

If you would like to speak with a California immigration lawyer about how prosecutorial discretion works, please email or call our Corona office at to arrange a free consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. We offer competitive rates and accept credit cards.

Voluntary Departure

Should You Leave The U.S. Voluntarily? Talk To A Lawyer First.

Many people living in the U.S. without proper documentation hope to stay here as long as possible. This is a natural desire — but not always possible. With time, many undocumented aliens or visitors with expired visas come to realize there is little possibility of getting a proper work visa or green card.

If you are undocumented or out of status, you do not have authorization to stay through work or family connections and you do not qualify for asylum, you may decide it is best to leave voluntarily. You may choose to return to your country or another country.

“Leave voluntarily?” This idea may sound frightening or surprising, because it is not a popular decision. Benefits include several opportunities:

  • You may avoid deportation through forcible removal. The idea of “voluntary” departure is more attractive to many people than the possibility of apprehension (arrest) by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
  • You can choose your destination and will have advance warning as to when you will leave. With a travel plan and scheduled departure date, you will not likely be apprehended by ICE. Instead, you can avoid detention and leave in a calm and orderly manner.
  • You may be able to return to the U.S. eventually if you have a legal opportunity to immigrate properly. (If you are deported, you may be banned from re-entry).

Voluntary departure does carry responsibilities such as:

  • You must have your own travel document (like a passport from your birth country) and pay for your own plane or bus ticket.
  • You must demonstrate good character for the past five years or more (with no criminal record, for example).
  • You may be asked to pay a $500 bond within a few days after a judge grants you the right to leave voluntarily at a removal hearing.

Caution: Do Not Try To Solve Your Own Immigration Puzzles Without An Attorney’s Advice

It is good to have ideas about how to move forward if you are undocumented or your visa has expired. However, our California immigration law firm also recommends that you get legal counsel as soon as possible.

For best results, do not communicate with immigration authorities (such as U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) before you talk to a lawyer about your unique circumstances. To schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers, please email us or call our Corona office at . We offer evening and weekend appointments. Our fee rates are competitive. We accept credit cards.


What To Do If Picked Up For Immigration Violations

The lawyers at U.S. Law Center, a Southern California immigration law firm, provide immigration law services globally to corporations, small businesses, families and individuals. Our success can be attributed to our understanding of U.S. immigration law and how its evolving nature affects our clients.

For advice on what to do if picked up by immigration, please contact us to arrange a free consultation at our Riverside County office.

Deportation Defense Attorneys For Southern California

Even as an illegal immigrant in the United States, you have certain protections. For example:

  • You do not need to let immigration officials into your home. Unless they have your consent, they must have a warrant.
  • You must be allowed to speak with a lawyer and to see an immigration judge.

If you are detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), you have the option of contacting ICE officials. In some cases, our lawyers have been able to free individuals from detention through Intensive Supervision & Alternative Programs (ISAP), an electronic monitoring system. This program allows people to work and live at home, but return for check-ins. If admission to ISAP is not an option, a bond hearing is available. If the judge allows you to post bond, you can continue living at home while the case proceeds.

It is important to know your rights. Our immigration attorneys can help you understand your options and offer advice on what is best in your circumstances.

Contact Our California Lawyers To Discuss Release From Detention

If you would like to speak about deportation defense with a Riverside, California attorney, please email or call our Corona office at to arrange a free consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Our fees are competitive and we accept credit cards.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.