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Riverside DACA Immigration Lawyer

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Best Riverside DACA Immigration Lawyer

At our Southern California immigration law firm, U.S. Law Center, we practice globally, representing corporations, small businesses, families and individuals in a wide variety of immigration matters. With their extensive knowledge of constantly changing U.S. immigration law and their dedication to clients, our lawyers work to achieve results.

To speak to one of our California lawyers about whether you qualify for deferred action status, please contact us to arrange a free consultation at our Riverside County office.

Understanding The ‘Dreamers Act’ And DACA

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) immigrants who arrived as children on Aug. 15, 2012.

Deferred action for “dreamers” is a program geared toward young people who have been living in the United States since they were children and who meet certain guidelines. Consideration for this program was originally available to those who were currently in removal proceedings, those who had been issued orders of deportation and those who had never been involved in an immigration matter. As of late 2018, DACA is only available on a renewal basis. As laws and enforcement trends change, it is important to stay in touch with an immigration lawyer if this program may apply to you or a close family member.

Requests for renewal of deferred action status are considered on an individual basis. Applicants must provide biometric information, undergo background checks, complete a specific form and mail the request along with an application for employment authorization and all applicable fees. Our immigration lawyers will advise you on whether you still qualify for DACA and will provide comprehensive help preparing the requested materials to offer you the best chance for approval of your renewal application.

Contact Our Riverside DACA Immigration Law Firm

To discuss DACA — sometimes mentioned together with the “Dreamers Act” — and your unique circumstances, please email our firm or call our Corona office at 866-665-1696 to arrange a free consultation with our California attorneys. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Our fees are competitive and we accept credit cards.

riverside best daca immigration lawyer

Consideration of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals

The following content was published on the USCIS.GOV website on Aug. 3, 2012. As of 2018, DACA is available on a renewal basis only. Talk to an immigration lawyer to learn how current laws apply to your situation.

USCIS to begin accepting requests for consideration of deferred action on August 15, 2012.

DHS Outlines Consideration Of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals Process

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security today provided additional information on the deferred action for childhood arrivals process during a national media call in preparation for the August 15 implementation date.

On June 15, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that certain young people who came to the United States as children and meet other key guidelines may be eligible, on a case-by-case basis, to receive deferred action. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is finalizing a process by which potentially eligible individuals may request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals.

USCIS expects to make all forms, instructions, and additional information relevant to the deferred action for childhood arrivals process available on August 15, 2012. USCIS will then immediately begin accepting requests for consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals.

Information shared includes the following highlights:

  • Requestors — those in removal proceedings, those with final orders, and those who have never been in removal proceedings — will be able to affirmatively request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals with USCIS.
  • Requestors will use a form developed for this specific purpose.
  • Requestors will mail their deferred action request together with an application for an employment authorization document and all applicable fees to the USCIS lockbox.
  • All requestors must provide biometrics and undergo background checks.
  • Fee waivers cannot be requested for the application for employment authorization and biometric collection. However, fee exemptions will be available in limited circumstances.
  • The four USCIS Service Centers will review requests.

Individuals may begin to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals on August 15, 2012. Please contact our office for an appointment immediately to determine if you or your loved one qualifies for this process.

Disclaimer by USCIS: Immigration law could be complex, and it is impossible to describe every aspect of every process. You may wish to be represented by a licensed attorney or a nonprofit agency accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals.

For More Information, Discuss Your Immigration Status, Goals And Opportunities With An Attorney

Contact us at U.S. Law Center for more information about how the DACA program may affect your loved ones and your immigration status in the United States. We are here to help. We invite you to email us or call our Corona office at to arrange a free consultation with our Riverside DACA immigration attorneys.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.