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Riverside Asylum and Refugee Immigration Lawyer

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Do You Qualify For Refugee Status Or Asylum? Ask Us.

The United States has traditionally opened its arms to victims of religious and political persecution. At U.S. Law Center, our attorneys provide vigorous representation to clients pursuing asylum and refugee status as the result all qualifying types of persecution.

riverside best asylum and refugee immigration lawyer

Eligibility For Asylum Or Refugee Status

To be entitled to asylum in the United States, a refugee must show a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, nationality, religion, membership in a particular social group, identification with a particular social group or political opinion if the refugee returns to his or her country of origin.

Prompt And Detailed Immigration Counsel Is Necessary For Your Case

It is extremely important to apply for refugee status as soon as possible after arriving in the United States. The petition must be completed meticulously. An error, omission or misstatement may result in a processing delay and possible removal. If the application is not filed within one year of entering the U.S., the applicant must show extraordinary circumstances or a change in circumstances in his or her home country, a more difficult process.

After attaining asylum status, the refugee must remain in the United States for one year before filing asylee form I-485, the application for permanent residency status adjustment.

If a refugee’s long-term goal is achieving U.S. citizenship, our attorneys will discuss an appropriate strategy.

asylum and refugee immigration attorney riverside

Contact A Riverside Asylum and Refugee Immigration Attorney Today

If you would like to speak with one of our Riverside asylum and refugee immigration lawyers about asylum or refugee status or have another question about our immigration law practice, please email or our Riverside County office in Corona at 866-665-1696 to arrange a free consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Our fees are competitive and we accept credit cards. Se habla español.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.