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Orange County VAWA Lawyer

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If you are experiencing an abusive situation at home in Orange County and are unable to act due to fear of being deported or losing your immigration status, you may be eligible for protection under VAWA. A dedicated Orange County VAWA lawyer from U.S. Law Center can provide a safe and nonjudgmental space for you to share your domestic violence story and help you understand your different options, including whether you are eligible to pursue a self-sponsored green card under VAWA.

The legal team at U.S. Law Center is made up of compassionate, experienced, and deeply knowledgeable immigration attorneys who are committed to justice.

With an understanding that immigration law is constantly changing in California, especially with respect to immigration or protection pathways for domestic violence victims, we actively stay updated about CA state and federal provisions. Our understanding of your legal options provides us with the tools to find the optimal option for you, which could include residency under VAWA.

Under VAWA, victims of domestic abuse whose immigration status is tied to their abuser can pursue legal residency without the consent or knowledge of their abuser. In such cases, the VAWA applicant will file a self-sponsored I-360 VAWA petition.

How Can an Orange County VAWA Lawyer Support My Case?

A dedicated and compassionate VAWA lawyer in Orange County can help you understand your rights and options, the complexity of VAWA, how it applies to your case, and whether it is the right option for you.

Furthermore, a skilled attorney can help you with gathering the evidence you need to support your application, including witness testimony. Throughout this process, they can help ensure your physical and legal safety by creating and implementing a safety plan that protects yourself and children from retaliation. This may include filing a protection order in Orange County if you are in immediate danger.

An Orange County VAWA lawyer can represent you in any court proceedings that may arise, including immigration proceedings, custody proceedings, protective orders, and cases against the abuser. Ultimately, they can advocate on your behalf, helping you submit a strong application and powerfully telling your story.

What Evidence Do I Need to Support My VAWA Application?

One of the most difficult aspects of submitting a successful VAWA application is having adequate supporting evidence. In order to adequately support the claims in your petition, you will need to have evidence that proves the following, among other requirements:

  • Your current or previous marriage with your abuser (if your spouse is your abuser) and that the relationship was bona fide, meaning that it was not entered into for immigration benefits.
  • Your residence status with your abuser, as you must show that you were living with them or are still living with them.
  • The abuser carried out extreme abuse, including battering.

Children and spouses of abusive permanent residents or citizens may also qualify in certain cases.

Proving domestic violence situations under VAWA can be difficult, as it requires concrete evidence such as police reports, restraining orders, and medical records. Fortunately, in some cases, USCIS will recognize other informal types of evidence, such as logs of instances of abuse. A dedicated and compassionate lawyer from U.S. Law Center can help collect and present evidence that supports your case.

Violence Against Women Act FAQs

Q: Is It Easy to Get Approved for VAWA?

A: Getting a self-petition for a green card approved under VAWA can be difficult. However, it is possible with ample supporting evidence. While there are only two steps to filing an application under VAWA, it is critical that they are carried out in detail, showing that there was a bona fide relationship between the applicant and the abuser, along with evidence of the abuser’s patterns of abuse.

By working with an experienced VAWA immigration lawyer, you can optimize your chances of getting your application approved.

Q: What Is the Approval Rate for VAWA Immigration?

A: While it is difficult to determine an exact approval rate for VAWA applications, it’s important to note that getting an approval is difficult, and therefore, it is recommended to have adequate legal support from an expired immigration lawyer.

A VAWA attorney can help you navigate the application process, ensure that you do not miss any major deadlines, and support you by providing the ample evidence you need to support your application. They can also help you explore other immigration options if you are not eligible for protections under VAWA.

Q: What Is Strong Evidence for VAWA?

A: Strong evidence for VAWA depends on each situation, but it generally involves documentation or proof showing that the relationship was bona fide and that the VAWA applicant was subjected to extreme cruelty and/or was battered during marriage.

Such evidence can include restraining orders against the abuser or police reports, as well as medical records documenting instances of injury due to abuse. A dedicated and experienced VAWA lawyer can help you collect and submit strong evidence to support your VAWA application.

Q: Can You Get Deported if VAWA Is Denied?

A: While protections under VAWA can lead to permanent residency, there is always the risk that filing an I-360 VAWA petition can lead to an individual being placed under removal proceedings, leading to eventual deportation.

Therefore, when submitting your VAWA petition, it is critical to work with an experienced lawyer who understands the details of your case and the immigration implications associated with your application. They can help you mitigate risks, protect your rights, and optimize your chances of having your application accepted.

Fight Back Against Your Domestic Violence Situation with an Orange County VAWA Lawyer

If you are facing domestic violence that is tied to your immigration status, then you may be eligible to self-sponsor for a green card under VAWA.

A dedicated and knowledgeable VAWA attorney from U.S. Law Center can provide a compassionate ear, work to understand your challenges and transform your case into a path forward to legal immigration protection. They can weigh your options fully, helping you pursue an optimal outcome that works for you and protects your rights. Start working with a dedicated attorney by contacting our team today.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.