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Orange County IR-2 Visa Lawyer

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Orange County IR-2 Visa Lawyer

The international relocation of a child can be an exciting and invigorating time for families located in Orange County. Unfortunately, the adoption process can be lengthy and complicated, leading to uncertainty and anxiety. Thankfully, a dedicated and experienced Orange County IR-2 visa lawyer from U.S. Law Center is available to support you throughout the visa application process, ensuring that your family is consistently supported.

The skilled and compassionate immigration team at U.S. Law Center is dedicated to bringing families together and has been working in this field for decades. We can work one-on-one with you to understand your case details and goals, working to design and implement an effective legal strategy to bring your child home to Orange County as quickly as possible. Furthermore, we can help with legal processes after they have arrived safe and sound.

How an Orange County IR-2 Visa Lawyer Can Support Your Case

As the procedures and laws associated with international adoption can be challenging and complex, a knowledgeable lawyer can give you invaluable advice, helping you and your family meet all the requirements of an IR-2 visa. They can also assist with gathering relevant documents, correctly filing all key paperwork, and ensuring the accuracy and completion of your application.

Should any issues arise during your application process, such as a rejection or request for evidence, a dedicated attorney from our team can address the issue head-on with an appropriate response to keep your application in process. Overall, having an experienced and knowledgeable legal professional manage your case can provide you with peace of mind, allowing you to focus on other pertinent matters that impact your child and family’s well-being.

Is My Child Eligible for an IR-2 Visa?

For the child of a US citizen to be eligible for an IR-2 visa, certain requirements must be met. Eligible children must be younger than 21 years of age and unmarried. Furthermore, the applicant must be a biological or adopted child of a US citizen. Lastly, there must be sufficient documentation to show that the parent-child relationship is bona fide and that the parent is a US citizen.

Obtaining an IR-2 Visa

The application process for an IR-2 visa starts with filing Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The filing process involves providing supporting documentation, including evidence that the parent is a US citizen, the birth certificate of the child, and evidence supporting the parent-child relationship.

If the child is already located in the US, it is possible for the parent to file for an Adjustment of Status for their child to obtain permanent residency. Applicants do not have to wait until the I-130 petition is approved to submit this paperwork, as they can submit it concurrently.

For children located outside of the US, Form I-130 must be approved before the case can be transferred to the National Visa Center. After a visa number is assigned, the case will be moved to a US embassy or consulate in the country where the child is located so that an interview can be held. As a requirement, an authorized physician must carry out a medical examination for the child, and the child will need to attend an interview with USCIS.

As the associated processes with the IR-2 visa application process can be exhausting and intimidating for a child, it is critical to work with experienced legal professionals who are compassionate and have experience working with younger clients. An attorney in Orange County can help your children understand what to expect in advance, helping them prepare adequately to minimize any negative repercussions.


Q: How Long Does the IR-2 Visa Process Take?

A: The amount of time it takes to process an IR-2 visa is dependent on the details of each case. However, it is generally lengthy. Processing an IR-2 visa includes getting the petition approved by USCIS, collecting relevant documents, and scheduling and attending the visa interview. By working with an experienced immigration lawyer, you can get a more precise picture of your timeline during the IR-2 visa application process.

Q: What Is the Application Process for an IR-2 Visa?

A: The application process for an IR-2 visa is lengthy and complex, requiring various steps. Initially, the US citizen parent will need to file Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, with USCIS.

After the petition is approved, it is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC), and a visa number will be assigned to the case. The NVC will send further instructions to the parent, and the child will need to undergo a medical examination and submit certain documents. Finally, the child will need to attend an interview.

Q: Can IR-2 Visa Holders Work in the US?

A: Yes, it is possible for IR-2 visa holders to work in the US, as they are lawful permanent residents. Therefore, children of US citizens who are brought to the US by their parents have the right to permanently live and work without the need to seek additional work authorization.

Q: Can an IR-2 Visa Holder Apply for US Citizenship?

A: Yes, it is possible for an IR-2 visa holder to apply for US citizenship. In fact, it is possible for children under the age of 18 who are already living in the US with their US citizen parents to obtain citizenship automatically. If they do not meet these requirements, they will be able to initiate the naturalization process after being in the US for a certain amount of time and meeting other specific requirements.

Bring Your Child Safely to the US With an IR-2 Visa Lawyer

While bringing your child to the US can be an exciting time for you and your family, it can also be overwhelming and confusing. The compassionate and experienced legal team at U.S. Law Center is here to simplify the international adoption or child relocation process and ensure that your child is as comfortable as possible. An IR-2 visa lawyer is here to support you each step of the way. Contact us today to start the process of bringing your child to Orange County.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.