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Ontario Immigration Lawyer

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Ontario Immigration Lawyer

Immigration is one of our legal system’s most complex and hotly debated facets. California is one of the few states with unique immigration laws, and anybody hoping to move into the country and settle in the Golden State should familiarize themselves with them.

Immigrating to the United States can be a difficult and costly process. When you want to ensure no one violates your rights and the paperwork is correct, you need an Ontario, CA, immigration lawyer and law firm you can trust. At U.S. Law Center, we can help with all your immigration needs.

What Separates U.S. Law Center From the Rest?

At U.S. Law Center, Sanjay Sobti, our lead lawyer, founded the company on the idea of using our legal knowledge and empathy to help people achieve their dreams of immigrating to the country. We provide services for those residing in the United States, as well as family members abroad hoping to immigrate into the country.

Our founder Mr. Sobti has plenty of experience working on immigration cases. He is skilled and knows his way around the bureaucracy and red tape inherent to any issues of immigration. Mr. Sobti also has fluency in several languages.

Immigration Law: The Basics

Immigration law covers several different types of cases. We will break down some of the bigger topics later, but for now, we will take a broad overview of what kind of issues immigration law handles.

At its heart, immigration law deals with anyone migrating into the country. Whether the person is seeking to come for temporary work or seeking permanent residence, it is all covered by immigration law.

Immigration law has numerous regulations immigrants must follow at risk of putting their green card or potential citizenship in jeopardy. California has some additional laws on its books to protect immigrants. States and the federal government both have a hand in immigration law.

If you are a United States citizen, you will likely never have to deal with the immigration system. However, those migrating to the country will have to deal with a very complex web of laws and bureaucracy. An immigration law firm like U.S. Law Center can assist migrants with the process and get the ball rolling on whatever request you need.

Some aspects of immigration law, like temporary visas, can often be relatively simple to handle. However, trying to seek asylum, get a green card, or apply for permanent residency is trickier. When dealing with any aspect of immigration law, having an experienced Ontario, CA, immigration lawyer and law firm on your side is crucial.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle an Immigration Case?

While you can technically handle any immigration issue on your own without representation, we do not recommend it. As we’ve mentioned, immigration law in the country and state of California is a complicated part of our legal system and difficult for a layperson to understand.

A seasoned Ontario, CA, immigration lawyer and law firm will know all the applicable laws for your case and can provide you with assistance on whatever your needs are. U.S. Law Center can assist you with getting a green card, bringing your loved ones into the country, or applying for asylum.

For example, say the state notifies you of potential deportation from the country of one of your loved ones. You are feeling a mix of emotions and want to fight the case, but you are too emotional and close to the matter to deal with it in a rational and unbiased manner.

This is where an immigration attorney comes in handy. We know the laws and can break down your situation without the emotionally charged baggage you may be carrying. We can advocate for you and guide you through the process so you can worry about yourself and not about learning legal jargon.

Types of Immigration Cases

Immigration covers a variety of topics, so let’s look at a few areas where we can help you.

Green Cards and Visas

Green cards and visas allow foreign citizens to live and work in the country without being American citizens. Applying for either of these can be a complicated process, and having a lawyer walk you through the process will speed it up and give you peace of mind.

Visas allow for someone to reside and work legally in the United States temporarily. The government typically issues these documents for those seeking to work in the country. Tourists will also need a visa, though theirs are for shorter durations.

Green cards are for those who want to have permanent residence without becoming a naturalized citizen. While we often think of green cards as something you get through marriage, immigrants can also apply for one if they fulfill other requirements, like being a first-preference immigrant worker or an asylum seeker.


Immigrants coming to America can apply for refugee or asylum in the country if they fulfill the requirements. Not every immigrant is eligible for asylum, and laws regarding it change constantly. Having a lawyer who understands the intricacies of asylum status on your side can be the difference between your claim being approved or denied.

The United States requires those seeking asylum to prove they were the victim of persecution in their home country. This persecution could be for race, political affiliation, nationality, social group, or religion.

Deferred Action of Dreamers

Deferred Action of Dreamers is a program that seeks to give non-citizens citizenship opportunities if they’ve lived in the United States since childhood. The government considers all of these cases individually, and having the right immigration lawyer on your side helps you have the greatest chance of achieving citizenship.


The United States maintains the right to deport non-citizens for a variety of reasons. Finding out you or your family member may be deported is a stressful time in anyone’s life, and you need a lawyer on your side to fight against the order. You will be too emotionally close to the issue to fight in court, but an attorney with years of experience can help make sure the court hears your voice and side of the story.

The government maintains the right to detain or deport citizens who participate in crime, threaten public safety, or violate visas. The nature of the criminal offense does not matter for this process, as someone is just as likely to run afoul of the Board of Immigration Appeals for a small crime as a severe crime like burglary.

Even if you feel hopeless in these situations, you do have rights. A seasoned Ontario, CA, immigration lawyer and law firm can help make sure you use all legal methods to avoid deportation.


Q; Is An Immigration Lawyer Worth It in CA?

A: Yes! Immigration lawyers like those at U.S. Law Center have years of experience working with all the facets of immigration law. We can help make sure you handle all the paperwork correctly or advocate for you in court if you or someone else has a deportation hearing. While it may seem cheaper and easier to go it alone, having a lawyer on your side can get you the outcome you desire.

Q: How Much Is a Consultation With an Immigration Lawyer in Ontario, CA?

A: While some law firms will charge you for a consultation, others will provide one for free. Our firm, U.S. Law Center, provides free consultations for all prospective clients. We will discuss your legal needs and give you an evaluation of your situation. Even if you choose not to take on a specific firm, a free consultation is a smart way to gauge your situation and whether you need an attorney.

Q: Can a Lawyer Help Me to Immigrate to the U.S.?

A: Yes! Immigration is often an arduous and drawn-out process for prospective immigrants. A lawyer can provide advice and help with filling out paperwork. Any potential errors or forgetting a document may slow down the green card process or lead to a denial. Don’t risk jeopardizing your chances of immigrating to the United States by trying to go it alone.

Q: How Do I Find an Immigration Lawyer?

A: The state and federal governments provide ways for prospective migrants to find an attorney in their area. If you are moving to Ontario, CA, or any nearby areas, you can contact us at U.S. Law Center for your immigration needs. We have plenty of experience with immigration cases and can let you know how we can help with a free consultation.

U.S. Law Center: Seasoned Ontario, CA, Immigration Lawyers and Law Firm

Immigration law covers a great variety of topics and issues. No matter what you seek from an immigration lawyer, such as a green card, a change of status, or help with potential deportation, you need someone who can assist you from a place of knowledge and empathy.

Few attorneys can provide the same service as U.S. Law Center. We are one of the premier Ontario, CA, immigration law firms and can assist with whatever immigration matter you’re dealing with. Contact us today for a free consultation and to get the help you need.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.