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Inglewood Immigration Lawyer

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Inglewood Immigration Lawyer

The U.S. is well-known for its strict immigration laws, in addition to its vast opportunities for foreign citizens. When foreign citizens attempt to enter the country, become a resident, or change their residency status, they have to comply with all immigration guidelines that are in place. Otherwise, they can be penalized by the law and even deported. Following all of these laws can be challenging, especially for people who are new to the country and only have a basic understanding of the English language. For compassionate assistance with your immigration case in Inglewood, consider talking to one of our team members at U.S. Law Center.

Why You Should Choose U.S. Law Center for Immigration Assistance

U.S. Law Center is an immigration, civil, and criminal firm that is dedicated to helping foreign citizens and California residents accomplish their goals. Whether you need help applying for temporary residency or you’d like to become a citizen of the United States, our team has the knowledge necessary to help you through the entirety of your case. At U.S. Law Center, every immigration case is just as important as the next. We believe in offering accessible, exceptional services that serve our clients and their needs.

Our Immigration Services

Immigration law encompasses a large range of legal issues. That’s why our firm offers assistance and representation for immigration matters such as:

Applying for Green Cards and Visas: Visas and green cards offer foreign citizens the ability to live, work, and go to school in the U.S. Our team can assist you with applying for residency in the U.S. on top of working towards your long-term goals. With visas, foreign citizens can apply for temporary residency if they would like to pursue their career or education here. Visas can also be used when you’d like to visit for short periods at a time. Green cards, however, give foreign citizens the right to live and work in the country permanently, even if they are not U.S. citizens.

Adjustment of Residency Status: Some foreign citizens that are already living in the U.S. may eventually be eligible for a green card. When this occurs, they can request to adjust their residency status. Talk to U.S. Law Center for help adjusting your status and becoming a permanent resident today.

Criminal Immigration Defense: Immigrants are held to additional standards on top of state and federal laws because they are not full U.S. citizens. Unfortunately, this means that certain criminal violations can result in deportation. At U.S. Law Center, we offer criminal immigration defense for foreign citizens who have been accused of crimes in Inglewood.

Asylum and Refugee Assistance: As an individual or family seeking asylum, you are most likely under a great deal of stress. This can make figuring out how to legally enter the country challenging. Our team can help asylum seekers understand their rights, apply for asylum, and enter the country with their families.

Deferred Entry of Dreamers: With the help of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which is also known as the “DREAM” act, certain foreign citizens can receive benefits while living in the country. To be eligible for DACA benefits, an individual must have been brought to the U.S. illegally when they were a child but ultimately end up spending their life in the country. DACA provides work authorization rights and postpones deportation requirements by allowing individuals to renew their “dreamer status” every two years.

Deportation and Removal: At U.S. Law Center, we understand the weight that being deported carries. If you or someone that you love has been threatened with deportation or removal, whether legally or as harassment, ask for our legal assistance as soon as possible.

Family Separation: There are multiple scenarios that can lead to a family being separated at the border or even after they have entered the U.S. This is because even the smallest mistake in paperwork or lack of information can delay the immigration process. Family separation is a frightening experience that no one should have to endure, which is why our firm provides assistance when matters like these occur.

Illegal Entry After Deportation or Removal: Deportation occurs when a foreign individual is removed from the U.S. and sent back to their home country. If someone is deported, they do not have the right to come back to the U.S. If they attempt to come back or are found in the country, they can be arrested, sent to jail, and eventually deported again.

What Kind of Residency Can You Apply for as a Foreign Citizen?

When you’re looking to move to the United States or adjust your residency status, you first need to decide which residency status you would like to receive. Each type of residency carries different requirements and grants an individual varying amounts of time they can legally live in the country. There are two main types of residencies a foreign citizen can apply for. These are known as temporary and permanent residencies. You can receive the right to temporarily or permanently live in the United States through the following methods:

  1. Applying for a Green Card: By receiving a green card, a foreign citizen can lawfully live and work in the country permanently. Green cards can be obtained through the marriage of a U.S. citizen, through work sponsors, or even by having refugee status.
  2. Applying for a Visa: Visas offer foreign citizens the chance to live in the country for short-term, renewable periods of time. This is because many people would like to pursue their careers or education in the U.S. but don’t know if they want to reside here permanently. Visas grant foreign citizens temporary residency and are usually renewed when passports expire or if the job/school comes to an end.
  3. Seek Asylum: Asylum is only granted to certain foreign citizens who are endangered. To be eligible to apply for asylum in the U.S., a person must have been persecuted or be significantly frightened that they will be persecuted in their country of origin. If an individual is granted asylum, they can live in the U.S. indefinitely and, if circumstances allow, eventually apply for a green card.
  4. Become a U.S. Citizen: Becoming a U.S. citizen comes with a variety of benefits, in addition to the right to permanent residency. If you are considering permanent residency here in the U.S. and have already begun a life, you should highly consider becoming a citizen so that you can receive benefits and rights like the ability to vote.

Immigration Lawyers FAQs:

Q: Can an Immigration Lawyer Help You Get a Visa?

A: Yes. Immigration lawyers have insight into all matters regarding a foreign citizen’s residency in the United States. If you are looking to obtain temporary residency in the U.S., our immigration team can guide you by helping you choose the right kind of visa, filling out the correct paperwork, and applying for it in a timely manner. The most common visas that our lawyers assist clients with include visas for work and school.

Q: How Long Does the Immigration Process Take?

A: Every immigration case takes a different amount of time to complete. For example, applying for a visa may be a much shorter process than applying for a green card. The type of residency that you are applying for will make the most significant impact on how long your case takes to finalize. Generally, you can expect to be involved in the immigration process for anywhere from one to two or more years. However, you may be consistently intertwined with immigration matters even after your case has been completed.

Q: What Exactly Does an Immigration Lawyer Do?

A: An immigration attorney is a lawyer who holds extensive insight into both general law and immigration law. They can serve foreign citizens and U.S. residents through a collection of immigration issues, including criminal defense, applying for permanent residency, or even fighting deportation notices. Find out more about what an Inglewood immigration lawyer can do for you by reaching out to our firm.

Q: Can You Get a Green Card Through Marriage?

A: When a foreign citizen marries a U.S. citizen, they have the right to apply for a green card and receive permanent residency in the country. To do this, you must simply apply for your green card, including information about your official marriage, and then attend an interview to see if you’re approved.

Inglewood Immigration Attorney

Finding someone who can help you navigate the complicated world of immigration law is a necessity. Here at U.S. Law Center, that is exactly what we do. Our firm welcomes individuals from all over the world and is committed to helping our clients through the complexity of an immigration case. With our insight into state and federal laws, in addition to our empathetic approach to each case, our firm provides some of the top immigration services in Inglewood. If you would like to learn more about U.S. Law Center and how we can help you, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.