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Buena Park Asylum Lawyer

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If you or a loved one are facing deportation or removal proceedings, you may be eligible to apply for asylum as a form of legal relief to stay in Buena Park or surrounding areas. If you have just arrived in the country and are fleeing persecution, it’s important to submit your asylum application as soon as possible. An experienced Buena Park asylum lawyer from U.S. Law Center can advise you throughout the application process.

The compassionate and skilled legal team at U.S. Law Center is dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals located in the United States, regardless of their immigration status. Our legal team has a long history of helping people who are fleeing persecution in their country of origin explore their legal options for protection and implement optimal strategies to push for successful case outcomes. A Buena Park asylum lawyer from our team is ready to help you.

Understanding Asylum and Who Is Eligible

Asylum is legal protection granted to people in the United States who are fleeing persecution or the threat of persecution based on the following protected grounds: race, religion, political opinion, nationality, and membership in a particular social group. Individuals who are granted asylum are known as asylees. After being granted asylum, asylees can live and work in the United States for one year, after which they can apply for lawful permanent residency.

For applicants to be eligible for asylum, they must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a fear of persecution. Applicants must show that they have a reasonable fear of persecution should they return to their home country. Persecution can look like imprisonment, torture, threats, assault, and significant discrimination that can seriously hinder their rights.
  • Connection between fear of persecution and protected ground. When applying for asylum, it is not sufficient to show that an individual has a fear of returning to their home country due to persecution. This persecution from the state or other entities must be based on one of the protected grounds.
  • There is no option for relocation in your home country. If there are parts of your country that are safe, where you could particularly be free from persecution, you must provide evidence showing that you cannot reasonably be located there.

In addition to meeting these requirements, applicants must not have any bars to their asylum, such as having a serious conviction, having persecuted other people, having been previously denied asylum, and waiting too long to submit the asylum application.

How a Buena Park Asylum Lawyer Can Represent Your Case

An experienced asylum lawyer in Buena Park can review the details of your case to determine whether you have bars on your application for asylum and determine if you meet all the requirements. If you do have bars on your application, a lawyer can help explore legal strategies to work around these challenges and fight for your eligibility.

In addition to helping you fill out and submit the application, an experienced asylum lawyer can thoroughly investigate your claim and gather crucial evidence to prove your case. A lawyer can help you understand what to expect during interviews and hearings and assist you with preparing accordingly. If your case goes to immigration court, an experienced lawyer can advocate on your behalf in front of an immigration judge to fight for an optimal case outcome.

FAQs About Buena Park, CA Asylum Laws

How Do I Apply for Asylum in California?

Individuals who are facing persecution in their home country must apply for asylum from California or the United States by submitting Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, with the USCIS. The asylum application must be submitted within one year of arrival in the country to be valid. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as if outstanding circumstances prevented the person from submitting their application.

What Happens If My California Asylum Application Is Denied?

If your application for asylum is denied by the USCIS, your case will likely be transferred to the immigration courts for a deportation or removal proceeding. During these proceedings, you will have the chance to present your case before a judge and indicate your intention to apply for asylum. Even if your claim for asylum is denied by the immigration judge, you could submit an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals or have the case moved up to a higher court.

Can I Travel Outside California While My Asylum Case Is Pending?

Although you can travel outside of California within the US while your asylum case is pending, it is not recommended that you leave the country during case processing. If you have extenuating circumstances that require you to leave the country, you could obtain an Advance Parole to be allotted readmission to the country. If you leave without obtaining proper documentation, you could be barred from coming back to the US and have your case terminated.

Can a California Asylum Lawyer Help Me If My Case Involves a Criminal Record?

Yes, if your case involves a criminal record, a California asylum lawyer can be of great assistance to you. As criminal charges can add to the complexity of an asylum case, a skilled asylum lawyer can help you navigate the situation by determining your eligibility, presenting your case in a positive light despite convictions, and helping you explore other legal means for humanitarian relief, such as protection under the Convention Against Torture.

Leverage Humanitarian Protections With a Buena Park Asylum Lawyer

If you have fled your home country due to fear of persecution based on a personal characteristic such as gender or religion, you may qualify to apply for asylum. A skilled Buena Park asylum lawyer from U.S. Law Center can evaluate your case and help you understand your various legal options to obtain humanitarian protection. Contact us today to start discussing your case so we can design and implement an optimal legal strategy.

With our legal team on your side, you can trust that you have the quality legal representation you need. We can help you explore every legal avenue possible.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.