From obtaining a student visa to pursuing American citizenship, there are all sorts of immigration issues that affect those who want to live in the United States. However, for refugees who were pushed out of their country due to war or persecution, relocation is often particularly significant. Unfortunately, many refugees and asylees have to leave loved ones and friends behind. However, some refugees and asylees in Corona and across California can help certain family members move to the U.S. and it is crucial for them to identify the best course of action.
According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, those granted asylee status and refugees who entered the U.S. in the past two years are able to petition for some of their family members to secure asylee or derivative refugee status. Family immigration is often very important for refugees and asylees who are trying to start a new life in the U.S. and it is imperative for people in this position to closely review their situation. Refugees and asylees are able to petition for their spouse as well as children who are not married and were under 21 when they initially applied for refugee or asylum status. Furthermore, the USCIS outlines a number of additional requirements on their site that refugees and asylees who are dealing with this should review.
On their website, the Office of Refugee Resettlement provides a number of links to very helpful resources for refugees. From family immigration to finding a job, it is very important for refugees and asylees to do everything they can to successfully settle down in the United States.