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Category Archives: US Immigration Law

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Category Archives: US Immigration Law

Are you a victim of a human trafficker?

If you have come to California from another country by illegal means, the person who…

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Threats to public education for immigrant children

One of the reasons people may want to move to California and elsewhere in the…

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The U.S. Border Patrol’s authority

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Border Patrol agents work to prevent people from crossing…

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Do I qualify for a humanitarian visa?

As a citizen of another country, you may discover that circumstances have made it unsafe…

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Churches and advocacy groups seek asylum for Central Americans

California and other states that border Central America are often places where people who are…

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DAPA may be implemented in 2016

Families in California may have one or more members who are in the United States…

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Victims of human traffickers may qualify for a T visa

Not everyone meets the requirements to move to the United States legally. However, many have…

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U visa offers protection for some undocumented immigrants

Many immigrants in Corona, California, are in a vulnerable position due to their lack of…

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Immigrant safety in California sanctuary cities

A sanctuary is typically associated with a place of safety, such as a church. When…

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California offers new protections to undocumented immigrants

Undocumented immigrants in California’s Orange and Riverside counties play an important role in the state’s…

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Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.
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