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Category Archives: Immigration

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Category Archives: Immigration

How Much Does an Immigration Lawyer Cost in California?

The immigration process is a difficult one. Though the United States is a country of…

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Analysis shows H-1B visa denials rising

Foreign nationals who wish to work in California on an H-1B visa may face additional…

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Definitive DUI changes in USCIS assessment of applicants

Legal admission into the United States and maintaining authorization is not easy for many applicants,…

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Immigrants increasingly fearful of using public benefits

A forthcoming change to the “public charge” rule may affect as many as 2 million…

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How to avoid red flags when applying for a marriage green card

Each year, numerous immigrants receive their green cards in the United States. Although the process…

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How closing the Mexican border might affect California

If President Trump acts on his threat to close the border between the U.S. and…

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This is why America appreciates its immigrants

Our nation was built on immigration. Without immigration, we would not be the country that…

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The new California governor stands against immigration hype

The new governor of California, Democrat Gavin Newsom, took over the office in January 2019.…

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Positive facts about immigration in America

It may go without saying that the current climate in the United States makes immigration…

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Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.
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