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Boosting the economy by getting immigrants education and citizenship

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Boosting the economy by getting immigrants education and citizenship

The children of immigrants in Riverside County may have been afraid to attend college until now. Due to the stalled immigration law reform, students who are not registered as citizens are still potentially at risk of being found by authorities, which is a big deterrent to some. However, that deterrent may be abolished soon.

A new program known as the DREAM loan program could be giving money out to the children of immigrants who wish to attend either the University of California or the California State University colleges when they are able to enter a college. This program would offer up to $4000 in loans and conditional permanent residency to the immigrants who are accepted.

By doing this, some believe that our economy will be improved. It will be inserting more candidates with higher education into the work force in the country, which will keep the economy moving forward instead of stalling. Since these immigrants will gain conditional permanent residency for their schooling, it will be a case of American citizens taking on new jobs.

This potential new option could be great news for many, but it could also be a little difficult for those who want a new path to citizenship as soon as possible. Since the DREAM loan program is still in its beginning stages, there might be a wait ahead. If you are in a situation where you can’t wait to get your green card, you may wish to contact an immigration attorney to see what your options are.

Source: Latin Post, “US Immigration Reform News: California DREAM Loan Program Moves Farther in State Senate,” Rodrigo Ugarte, May. 25, 2014

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