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Author Archives: Sanjay Sobti

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Author Archives: Sanjay Sobti

Twister unites town divided by illegal immigration

The town of Kilpatrick, Alabama was known as “Little Mexico” or “Little Tijauna.” Many Hispanics…

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Immigration bill to be heard on the Senate floor

The landmark immigration reform bill continues its arduous journey through the U.S. Sentate, and will…

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Analyses continuing on immigration reform bill

Work is continuing in the U.S. Senate (seemingly behind the scenes) on the landmark immigration…

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Cesar Chavez’s complicated relationship with immigration law

Today, many groups across the United States will take part in May Day celebrations. While…

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Mentally ill detainees to receive court-appointed counsel

The nuances of the immigration court system may not provide the same protections for suspected…

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Rallies held across the US for immigration reform bill

As the “Gang of Eight” senators are set to formally introduce their version of the…

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Undocumented workers face workplace dangers

It is no secret that migrant and temporary workers have a difficult and insecure plight…

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Supreme Court ruling could help same sex immigrant couples

While U.S. v. Windsor focuses on how the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) may…

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Rand Paul latest conservative to support citizenship path

In our prior posts we reported on how some Republicans opposed a path to citizenship…

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Small businesses concerned about immigration reform

Florida dairy farmer Joe Wright is a staunch republican, so one would believe that he…

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