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Author Archives: Sanjay Sobti

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Author Archives: Sanjay Sobti

ICE detainment facility mismanagement may have resulted in immigrant death

The immigration community in Riverside is very involved in the current happenings regarding immigration in…

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Detainment centers in California could breed resentment

Citizens in Riverside may be aware that the city itself is a fairly safe space…

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Immigrants caught in limbo while both sides of reform protest

Though there have been plenty of recent victories for the immigration community in Riverside, reform…

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Blame pushed on Obama for stalling immigration reform

Plenty of immigrants and citizens in Riverside may have had reason to celebrate recently. This…

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Deportation may drop once shackling stops

Those in Riverside who have had to deal with immigration related issues know how devastating…

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Deportation percentage continues to drop

The fight for a better path to obtaining residency has been piquing the interest of…

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GOP to release principles, moving immigration reform debate forward

As many in the Los Angeles immigration community know, the fight for a new path…

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Cultural celebration signals renewed push for immigration law change

Many who live in Riverside are likely aware of the support for immigration law changes that a…

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Ducks help immigration activists make a point in D.C.

For those who live in Riverside and have ties to the immigration community, the demonstrations…

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Immigrants seek shelter in churches

Some citizens of Riverside are likely well aware that the battle for immigration reform leading…

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