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Author Archives: Sanjay Sobti

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Author Archives: Sanjay Sobti

Current migrant housing system is under strain

Since many residents of Riverside, California, are involved in the immigration community in some way,…

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What can an immigrant be detained for?

The detainment of undocumented immigrants has been a topic of debate in Riverside, California, for…

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Hope for immigration reform diminishes

Residents of Riverside County may be aware of the battle for immigration reform that has…

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Is DACA helping or hurting America?

To immigrants living in Riverside, the threat of deportation might not be an entirely uncommon…

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Son waits 8 years to become citizen; had to start over again

Immigrants in Riverside are likely aware of just how long it takes to get your…

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Immigrants may be safe from extended jail time

Riverside may soon be in for some jail changes in regard to immigration detention. While deportation sometimes…

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Boosting the economy by getting immigrants education and citizenship

The children of immigrants in Riverside County may have been afraid to attend college until…

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House Republicans need convincing that immigration reform is not liberal ploy

Immigrants and activists in Riverside may have experienced a recent upswing in people who wish…

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House could be looking for a way to pull out of immigration negotiation

The problems with deportation have been known to Riverside immigration activists for quite a while.…

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New deportation suggestion puts the focus on dangerous criminals

In Riverside, the battle against deportation has made big news. While immigration law itself is…

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