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Los Angeles Asylum Lawyer

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If you were forced to leave your country of origin due to fear of persecution based on personal characteristics, such as political views or religious beliefs, you may be entitled to asylum under U.S. laws and regulations. Unfortunately, navigating the asylum process is highly complex and lengthy, requiring highly focused knowledge and experience. A Los Angeles asylum lawyer from U.S. Law Center can provide the comprehensive legal support you need for a successful case outcome.

At U.S. Law Center, our team of empathetic refugee immigration lawyers understands the profound sacrifices that individuals make to achieve a life free of fear in California. We acknowledge that the world is unsafe, driving individuals out of their country of origin for reasons that are completely out of their control. Together, we can protect your safety by helping you find safe refuge. Our team can design and implement an optimal legal strategy to fight for your right to asylum in the U.S.

Understanding Asylum Status Application and Other Critical Protections

Foreign nationals who are located in Los Angeles can apply for asylum status if they meet certain criteria. Asylum seekers are individuals who fear for their physical safety if they were to return to their country of origin. To qualify for an asylum application, applicants must show that, if they went back, they would face persecution based on identity characteristics, such as religious beliefs, nationality, race, political affiliations, or belonging to certain social groups.

With regard to the United States immigration processes, asylum and refugee status vary significantly. Refugee status is awarded to individuals who apply for legal protection while outside of the country. People who have been granted refugee status can secure a visa through consular processing to travel to the United States from abroad. Conversely, asylum seekers must apply from Los Angeles or wherever they are located in the U.S. after entering the country.

If you are seeking humanitarian relief in Los Angeles, there may be other legal options available to you. Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, is one such option. It is offered to individuals who cannot go back to their country of origin due to dangerous or hazardous conditions there.

Further immigration options include special immigrant juvenile status, or SIJS. Unmarried individuals under the age of 21 who have been the victim of neglect, abuse, or abandonment by their legal guardians may be able to receive SIJS. This special status can ultimately lead to citizenship through naturalization.

Submitting an Asylum Application in Los Angeles

The asylum application process is complex, involving various requirements and phases. To begin, you will need to file a Form I-589, Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal, within a year of arriving in the country. Upon submission, you will be notified of your upcoming immigration court hearing or asylum interview. It is critical to note that it may be years before you can secure your first hearing or interview.

A dedicated and compassionate lawyer from U.S. Law Center can help you understand the general timeline for your case and the specific requirements needed for each phase of the process. Furthermore, they can assist you with preparing for your immigration court hearings and asylum interviews. An experienced attorney can help you understand what kind of questions to expect and how to effectively respond.

A green card and visa lawyer from our firm can inform you of your rights and ensure that your fundamental rights are protected throughout the application process. If your application results in a denial, we can work through various options, such as submitting an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). If your application is accepted, we can help you navigate the process of applying for a green card after one year of receiving asylum status.

FAQs About Los Angeles, CA Asylum Laws

How Much Does an Asylum Immigration Lawyer Cost in Los Angeles?

The cost of hiring an asylum immigration lawyer in Los Angeles varies based on many factors, such as the complexity of your case, the location and reputation of the law firm, and the experience of the lawyer in question. It’s important to work with an immigration lawyer who is transparent and upfront about their costs, as that can help you anticipate other legal fees. By understanding the associated expenses, you can plan your budget accordingly.

Can You Win an Asylum Case Without a Lawyer?

Yes, it is possible to win an asylum case without a lawyer. However, working with a skilled and experienced asylum lawyer can significantly increase your chances of achieving a positive outcome. They can:

  • Provide comprehensive legal support.
  • Protect your rights throughout the application process.
  • Advocate heavily on your behalf.
  • Help you secure legal protections you are entitled to.
  • Gather critical evidence to build your case and increase your chances of success.

Can I Get U.S. Citizenship With Asylum in California?

Yes, people who are granted asylum status in California or elsewhere in the U.S. have a meaningful pathway to citizenship. Individuals with asylum status can apply for lawful permanent resident status after residing in the country for one year. After being a green card holder for a certain number of years, they may be able to meet the requirements to apply for citizenship through the naturalization process. An experienced lawyer can help you understand whether you are eligible.

How Long Does It Take to Get Asylum Status?

The length of time it takes to get asylum status in the U.S. is dependent on various factors, including:

  • The backlog with government agencies
  • The complexity of your case
  • The robustness of your application
  • Personal circumstances that are unique to your case

An experienced immigration lawyer can help you understand how long your asylum application process may last, including when you can get work authorization.

Fight for Your Legal Protections in Los Angeles

Applying for asylum in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas is a complex and lengthy process, which can come with feelings of fear and uncertainty. Fortunately, a compassionate and skilled asylum lawyer from U.S. Law Center is here to analyze your case, understand your goals and concerns, and craft a robust legal strategy. Together, we can navigate the challenging U.S. legal systems to secure your asylum status. Contact us today to get started.

Making Immigration Law Work For You

The U.S. Law Center is a nationwide, full-service immigration law firm providing large corporations, small businesses and individuals with a full range of immigration processing and placement services.